Return of Glass Block Architecture Trend, Curated by Yellowtrace.

Bricks Decoded: The Return of Glass Blocks.

Go on. Admit it. The thought of glass blocks probably makes you shudder. Unless you fall into the 5%* category of new generation designers who have already embraced the potential of this highly misunderstood and marginalised building...
Duplex Tibbaut in Barcelona, Spain by RaĂșl SĂĄnchez | Yellowtrace

Duplex Tibbaut in Barcelona, Spain by RaĂșl SĂĄnchez.

Maybe the most striking element of RaĂșl SĂĄnchez’s Duplex Tibbaut in downtown Barcelona is its bold spatial definition—a trick the Spanish architect seems to enjoy. Using geometry and a helping of buttery gold and charcoal black...
Return of Breezeblock Architecture Trend, Curated by Yellowtrace

Bricks Decoded: Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Breeze Block.

In Brazil, it’s known as Cobogó. In India, they call it Jaalis. The French term is Brise-soleil. Here we know it as Breeze Block. Call them what you will, these little units of awesome are making a massive comeback. Back in the 50s...