#StoriesOnDesignByYellowtrace: Metallic Interiors.

Stories On Design // Metallic Interiors.

Welcome to the first Story for 2017, and what better way to kick things off than with something beautiful, luminous and shiny like Metallic Interiors. Yum! Metallic Madness has been creeping up on us for a number of years - at first in...
Earls 67 Concept Restaurant in Calgary by Ste. Marie | Yellowtrace

Earls 67 Concept Restaurant in Calgary by Ste. Marie.

With an ongoing mission to innovate, Earls felt it needed to refresh their existing restaurant concept so it commissioned Ste. Marie and Glasfurd + Walker to initiate Project 67. Earls wanted to push the boundaries, anticipate trends...
Hospitality & Restaurant Interiors 2016 Archive | Yellowtrace

Hospitality & Restaurant Interiors | 2016 Archive.

Hospitality Interiors make my heart race faster. In other words, I love them, and I know you do too, because these types of spaces effect us all when we are out of our homes and doing wonderful things like socialising with friends, going...