Australia Continues to Kick Butt with Resi Architecture // Houses Awards 2015.Pondering the Houses Awards shortlist has become a bit like Architecture Christmas. I've always loved an abundant celebration of good design and passionate people who make it happen, which aligns perfectly with what we strive for here at...
Australia’s (Still) Got Talent // Houses Awards Shortlist 2014.Oh we do love a bit of design awards action here at Yellowtrace HQ, don't we? How could we not - design awards are the celebration of good design and passionate people who make it all happen, which is pretty much what we try to do around...
Australia’s Got Talent // Houses Awards Shortlist 2013.If there's one thing Australian architects are really bloody good at, it would have to be The House. Houses Awards recently announced their 2013 shortlist for 125 residential projects across the eight categories. So many fantastic projects...