#StoriesOnDesignByYellowtrace: Inside Design & Architecture Studios | Yellowtrace

Stories On Design // Inside Design & Architecture Studios.

We all know perfectly well we are profoundly influenced by the spaces we inhabit, and it is no surprise that people who design these spaces, are particular about their own workplace. Today's Story takes a look at a diverse set of...
Pietro Russo Home in Milan | Yellowtrace

Pietro Russo’s Home in Milan.

We've all heard the saying that 'Italians Do It Better', and I would add to this that it's the Milanese who do it best when it comes to design that makes me shake in my boots. Some of you may recall me singing praises to the supremely...
CasaCau Apartments, Rome. Photo by Nick Hughes/ Yellowtrace

#YellowtraceTravels: CasaCau Apartments, Rome.

During our trip to Rome earlier this year, we had the great pleasure of staying at CasaCau apartments. Decked out with vintage finds, CasaCau offers secluded and surprisingly peaceful six boutique apartments in the centre of Rome, in a...
Promenade Apartment in Turin by SCEG ARCHITECTS | Yellowtrace

Colourful Promenade Apartment in Turin by SCEG ARCHITECTS.

Measuring approximately 90sqm, this home is located in Turin's district of Lingotto - an area that's been subject to a great deal of redevelopment. The site was originally the first production facility for FIAT designed by Mattè Trucco,...
#YellowtraceTravels: Rome Italy. Photo © Nick Hughes/ Yellowtrace.

#YellowtraceTravels: Rome, Italy.

Ahhhh, Bella Roma... My mind is racing and heart is pumping thinking back to the magical week we spent in Rome in April. To say that writing about the Eternal City is slightly overwhelming is an understatement of the century. Why?...
#StoriesOnDesignByYellowtrace: Pink Perfection| Yellowtrace

Stories On Design // Pink Perfection.

Unless you've been hiding under a rock for the past little while (pffffft - AS IF - you guys read Yellowtrace, which means you are the coolest, most switched-on homies around), I'm sure you would have noticed the omnipresence and dominance...