Whitworth Locke Hotel in Manchester by Grzywinski+Pons | Yellowtrace

Whitworth Locke Hotel in Manchester, UK by Grzywinski+Pons.

New York City-based practice Grzywinski+Pons has recently completed Whitworth Locke, a 160-room hotel with a bar, cafe, lounge and co-working space in Manchester, England. “This commission had special resonance for us as the beautiful...
Office for Stark Games in Minsk, Belarus by Studio11 | Yellowtrace

Office for Stark Games in Minsk, Belarus by Studio11.

Studio 11 has recently completed a mega cool workplace interior for Stark Games in Minsk, Belarus, using bold colours, a plethora of materials and bold shapes to express their quirky design vision. “The new office space for Stark...