Translucent Furniture Curated by | Yellowtrace

So Hot Right Now // Translucent Glass Furniture & Products.

A few years ago when I was a responsible adult with a proper job and steady pay, I used to meet my clients around a very expensive "architectural" glass boardroom table. I hated that table. With a passion. In fact, I hate most glass...
Mölle by the Sea by Elding Oscarson | Yellowtrace

Mölle by the Sea by Elding Oscarson // Sweden.

Sweden – top three in my list of places I’d be from if I wasn’t from here. Elding Oscarson – similarly top-ranking in the sort of architects I’d be if I was in that league. So what joy today’s post brings – it’s a house in...
Translucent Buildings Made Of Glass Curated by Yellowtrace

So Hot Right Now // Translucent Buildings Made of Glass.

I don't know about you but the thought of living inside a glass house seems just a little bit daunting. A person's home is a sanctuary - a place where you can cut loose, be yourself, and... you know, walk around in your undies goddamit. On...
Sheats Goldstein House by John Lautner | Yellowtrace

Sheats Goldstein House by John Lautner.

Writing about this house is a bit like chucking in my two cents about Meryl Streep. Occupying a realm beyond mere fame, the scene-stealer of countless movies, you all have an informed and long-developed opinion, and nothing I have to say...
Apparatus Studio Lighting | Yellowtrace

Exquisite Lighting by Apparatus Studio // New York.

Holy guacamole! Apparatus Studio's lighting is absolutely ridiculous. As in ridiculously amazing. If I may paraphrase someone dear to my heart - "give me brass, black and white and I'll drop my pants any-day". My sentiments exactly! Here,...