Paper & Tea Concept Store by Fabian von Ferrari // Berlin.

P & T concept store is a brand new retail space in Berlin dedicated to those mad about the aromatic leaves and stationery. In case you failed to pick up on it, am absolutely positively head over heals in Extreme Love with this stunning...

Guido Hager’s Apartment in Berlin, Germany.

Guido Hager is a landscape architect from Berlin. This is his apartment. I don't mean to be stereotyping people here, but have you noticed that there isn't a single plant in this interior? Without looking up who lived here, I would've...

Golden Workshop by modulorbeat // MĂĽnster, Germany.

How's this for an impressive temporary structure? The architects at modulorbeat, along with students from the MĂĽnster School of Architecture, designed then physically built this urban jewel in just six weeks. The brief was to design a...

Plus One // Berlin Accommodation.

Plus One Berlin is one of the most interesting hotel concepts I've come across in a little while. Not only do I love it's super-cool blend of vintage, salvaged and contemporary aesthetic, the hotel offers travellers the chance to meet a...

Superstar Illustrator Olaf Hajek.

Berlin based Olaf Hajek is one of the world’s most successful and well-known illustrative artists. His work is regularly featured in leading publications around the world, from New York Times to Rolling Stone, in advertisements for major...

Digital Art by Andreas Nicolas Fischer.

Andreas Nicolas Fischer is a Munich-born, Berlin-based artist who works with generative systems, physical representations of data and visualizations of digital processes. In order words, Fischer is a cunning analyst who makes things that...