Temporary Timber Structures, Curated by Yellowtrace.

Stories On Design // Temporary Timber Structures.

Temporary Timber Structures, huh? I know. The shit we cover over here is pretty broad, and my personal and professional interests are pretty varied. Alas, we are not here to talk about my unhealthy hoarding obsession relating to design...
DIZENGOF99 Cafe Moscow by Crosby Studios & Valya Zaytseva | Yellowtrace

DIZENGOF99 Restaurant in Moscow by Crosby Studios.

Materiality is king in DIZENGOF99, a cafe in Moscow designed by Crosby Studios. The designers completely gutted the space, and then went about adding layer upon layer of material and texture to create depth and interest. We love the...
Private Apartment in Belgrade Serbia by Studio AUTORI | Yellowtrace

Private Apartment in Belgrade, Serbia by Studio AUTORI.

Based in Serbia, Studio AUTORI work across architecture, interior and furniture design with a focus on storytelling and custom solutions. Today we’re sharing their latest residential project, a private apartment within a typical 60s...
Architect Photographs Extraordinary Ceilings in Iran | Yellowtrace

Architect Photographs Extraordinary Ceilings in Iran.

Armed with his iPhone, Iranian architect and ‘instagram photographer’ @m1rasoulifard takes spectacularly beautiful kaleidoscopic images of mosque ceilings in his native city, Tehran. From the oldest mosques in the city that date...
Room Mate Giulia Hotel in Milan by Patricia Urquiola | Yellowtrace

Room Mate Giulia Hotel in Milan by Patricia Urquiola.

We’re convinced there’s either three Patricia Urquiolas, or the one-and-only woman hasn’t slept in the past few years. Either way, the amount of work the enormously talented designer pumps out is truly astonishing. Room Mate...