APARTMENT S in Berlin by Thomas Kröger Architects | Yellowtr

APARTMENT S in Berlin by Thomas Kroger Architects.

I know what you're thinking - surely this is a shop, and not someone's place, right? Wrong. This is definitely someone's home, and I was just as surprised about it as you are... at least until I spotted the bedroom and the bathroom. Alas,...
Sensual Portraits by Malcolm T. Liepke | Yellowtrace

Sensual Portraits by Malcolm T. Liepke.

Malcolm T. Leipke is a largely self-taught artist who paints in a style that echoes the work of the greats such as Whistler, Sargent, Degas and Lautrec, to create portraits that are both visually familiar and wholly unique. Liepke...
The Keenfolks Ad Agency in Barcelona by Guillermo Santomà | Yellowtrace

The Keenfolks Ad Agency in Barcelona by Guillermo Santomà.

Guillermo Santomà's latest projects is the ingenious new headquarters for The Keenfolks, an ad agency based in Barcelona. As most ad agency fitouts go, these guys had a limited budget to play with, but this didn't stop Santomà from...

European Building Foyers Photographed by Romain Laprade.

Romain Laprade is a talented 28-year-old French photographer based in Paris. After completing studies, Laprade worked at French Vogue as a graphic designer, later moving to Holiday magazine. Romain now works as an architectural, interiors...
Stories On Design Archive 2016 | Yellowtrace

Stories On Design | 2016 Archive.

Today we conclude our roundups of 2016 archives with a personal favourite and something I am most proud of – ‘Stories on Design’, our most widely read and shared content, and the most engaging for our readers and our social...
Residential Interior Design 2016 Archive | Yellowtrace

Residential Interior Design | 2016 Archive.

If there’s one category that’s never in short supply for us to cover here on Yellowtrace, it’s sensational Residential Interiors (and Architecture). Like most human beings, we are passionate about homes and seeing the way people live...
Product Design Lighting Archive 2016 | Yellowtrace

Product Design: Lighting | 2016 Archive.

Beautiful lighting has become a real 'thing'** in the last few years, and we simply couldn't be happier about it. Needless to say, we have a super soft spot for lighting around here, so it should come as no surprise this little but...
#StoriesOnDesignByYellowtrace: Swimming Pools.

Stories On Design // Swimming Pools.

Swimming Pools are like pom-poms. Everybody loves them. Ok, that may not be true (about pom-poms at least - that's probably just me), although you have to admit that Swimmings Pools feel like opening a can of instant happiness. Yay! For...