Whitworth Locke Hotel in Manchester by Grzywinski+Pons | Yellowtrace

Whitworth Locke Hotel in Manchester, UK by Grzywinski+Pons.

New York City-based practice Grzywinski+Pons has recently completed Whitworth Locke, a 160-room hotel with a bar, cafe, lounge and co-working space in Manchester, England. “This commission had special resonance for us as the beautiful...
Storey Showroom in Richmond, Melbourne by Flack Studio | Yellowtrace

Storey Showroom in Richmond, Melbourne by Flack Studio.

Flipping the timber showroom concept on its head, Storey’s new Melbourne retail space by Flack Studio is closely aligned with the client’s core belief that beautifully crafted floors can elevate any interior. “Our intention was...
Polychrome House in Cronulla, Sydney by Amber Road | Yellowtrace

Polychrome House in Cronulla, Sydney by Amber Road.

We’re kicking off our 2019 editorial programme with a stellar project by the fearless ladies from Amber Road – a complete transformation of a 1960s house in Sydney’s Cronulla. This previously dysfunctional split storey,...
Residential Interiors 2018 Archive | Yellowtrace

Residential Interiors | 2018 Archive.

If there’s one category that’s never in short supply for us to cover here on Yellowtrace, it’s sensational Residential Interiors. Like most human beings, we are passionate about homes and seeing the way people live around the globe,...
Product Design: Lighting 2018 Archive | Yellowtrace

Product Design: Lighting | 2018 Archive.

In case you failed to notice, we have a super soft spot for beautiful lighting around here, so it should come as no surprise this little but mighty-fine curation is another favourite for the year. In this roundup you will find...