Kvadrat x Raf Simons ‘No Man’s Land’ Installation at Milan Design Week 2019.“No Man’s Land” by Raf Simons for Kvadrat celebrated the fashion designer’s sixth collection for the textile brand, debuting four new fabrics in an installation that was not just an exhibition, but a destination. Inspired by his...
Transparency Matters: Furniture, Lighting & Art Collection by Draga & Aurel.Como-based duo Draga Obradovic and Aurel Basedow of Draga & Aurel have presented their new collection ‘Transparency Matters’ for Milan Design Week 2019, their first solo presentation at Salone del Mobile in a decade. Spanning...
Video Highlights from Milan Design Week 2019.It is with great pleasure that we unveil our Video Highlights from Milan Design Week 2019, bringing together some of the most memorable moments from all the installations and events we’ve attended around Milan, and countless group shows...
Les Arcanistes: Studiopepe’s Captivating Manifesto Project at Milan Design Week 2019.In what was one of Milan Design Week 2019’s standouts, Studiopepe took literal and conceptual inspiration from artisanal materials for their manifesto project, dubbed ‘Les Arcanistes – The Future is Un/Written’. The large...
Perfect Darkness Apartment Installation by Elisa Ossino & Josephine Akvama Hoffmeyer.Elisa Ossino and Josephine Akvama Hoffmeyer have cofounded H+O, spotlighting the immense design potential of tiles. Their first official installation ‘Perfect Darkness’ took over an 18th-century Milan apartment to showcase their first...
Luisa Bebiano & Atelier do Corvo’s Renovation of the Old Ceramic Society of Coimbra 18th Century Building.The medieval city of Coimbra in Portugal has a history or handmade ceramics due to its clay-rich soil terrain. Set in an 18th Century building, the Old Ceramic Society is one of few remaining ceramics factories in the area and has been...
Highlights From Milan Design Week 2019.We’re kicking off our epic Milan report, aka MILANTRACE 2019 with a detailed overview of our week and many highlights experienced during the recent Milan Design Week & Salone del Mobile 2019. Hooray! If you live in Australia and are...
1930s Piero Portaluppi Milan Apartment Transformed into a Massimo De Carlo Gallery by Studio Binocle and Antonio Citterio.The striking striped marble floor is one of many opulent features within Casa Corbellini-Wassermann in Milan. The 1930's Piero Portaluppi building has been reopened as the new HQ of Massimo de Carlo gallery, after extensive refurbishment...
Laycock Road House in Sydney by Telly Theodore Allied Office.Telly Theodore worked across everything from foundations to art selection in renovating this once modest 1920’s heritage home in Sydney’s Penshurst. An 8.5m backyard excavation made way for a grand new extension with 4.7m high...