Isern Serra Barcelona Office Fuego Camina Conmigo Sancal Showroom Photo Salva Lopez Yellowtrace

A Moonlike Office in Barcelona by Isern Serra.

If you cut up the moon and turned it into an office, it would look something like the new Barcelona headquarters of advertising agency Fuego Camina Conmigo (which also doubles as a showroom for furniture brand Sancal), designed by Isern...
Kennedy Nolan Milkbar House Melbourne Residential Architecture Photo Derek Swalwell Yellowtrace

Nostalgia Reinvented: Milkbar House by Kennedy Nolan.

A traditional ‘milk bar’ conjures up a vintage montage of bike rides down the brown-tinted lens of summer suburbia, with pink blue chromatic tinsels flying around the handlebars as we veer to the local milk bar for a smoothie or ice...