His House and Her House in China by Wutopia Lab | Yellowtrace

His House And Her House in China by Wutopia Lab.

Shanghai based architecture firm Wutopia Lab, were invited to transform buildings within the urban slum of Shenzhen for the seventh Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture. The result is a cobalt blue cube and the...
Lifestyle Academy in Shanghai, China by Mur Mur Lab | Yellowtrace

Lifestyle Academy in Shanghai, China by Mur Mur Lab.

Shanghai-based studio Mur Mur Lab seems to have a fondness for futuristic, ultramodern retail spaces. Their work is centred on creating playful shopping destinations, which capture a sense of theatre and escapism – those elements of...
Return of Glass Block Architecture Trend, Curated by Yellowtrace.

Bricks Decoded: The Return of Glass Blocks.

Go on. Admit it. The thought of glass blocks probably makes you shudder. Unless you fall into the 5%* category of new generation designers who have already embraced the potential of this highly misunderstood and marginalised building...
Layering Courtyard in Beijing by ARCHSTUDIO | Yellowtrace

Layering Courtyard in Beijing, China by ARCHSTUDIO.

Pierced with sunlight and armoured with bamboo and natural timber, Layering Courtyard by ARCHSTUDIO is the modern reinvention of a traditional industrial building and quadrangle near Beijing’s historic Qianmen gate. In the first half...