Basic Coffee in Beijing by Office AIO.Basic Coffee by Office AIO plays on light and obscurity, establishing framed and orchestrated views through which patrons experience the café interior. A concentric sequence revolves around a concealed coffee making area, wrapped by a...
Meet The Flintstones: Contemporary Cave-like Interiors.In an overly sleek high-tech world, a few tough edges can refresh the soul. Welcome to the new Stone Age where cave-like interiors and objects reign supreme. My daily existence is saturated in slick technology. Pristine, perfectly...
Geijoeng Concept Store in Shenzhen by Studio 10.Translucent materials are layered throughout the Geijoeng's store in Shenzen, combined with mottled green elements such as marble plinths and a velour curtain made from textile designed by Raf Simons for Kvadrat. The display window and...
Voisin Organique Restaurant & Lounge in Shenzhen, China by Various Associates.A towering bronze façade shields diners from glaring sunlight within Voisin Organique restaurant in Shenzhen, while a row of portal windows triggers the curiosity of passersby. The light that filters through the portals makes the dark...
Zhuyeqing Greentea Flagship Store in Chengdu, China by X+LIVING.X+LIVING designed the Zhuyeqing Greentea Flagship with a mind to diversify away from a traditional store based on products and services to one that offers unique elements and visual interaction. Set in Chengdu, China where the tea is...
TEA Community Centre in Xiamen, China by Waterfrom Design.The Tea Community Center in Xiamen, China is set across two levels, one of which is below the ground and hidden beneath a pool of water. A spherical internal courtyard spans across both floors, with Waterfrom Design planting a tree at its...
HARMAY Beijing Flagship by AIM Architecture.Spread over two floors, the warehouse interior of HARMAY Beijing store features a gaping void, with AIM Architecture quite literally hacking out a chunk of the ceiling to create more openness and visibility. A monumental, fast-moving...
GreenMonster Lab in Beijing by BANDe Architects.BANDe Architects inserted a set of timber structures inspired by traditional Chinese cultural pavilions into Beijing’s GreenMonster Lab, with historical relics from around the world displayed within. As visitors descend an escalator into...
Hypocam House in Shanghai, China by Wutopia Lab.Wutopia Lab have completed their renovation of Hypocam House in Shanghai, contending with site restrictions to transform a property that formerly housed six families to a single residence with a courtyard, miniature private gallery and a...