Return of Glass Block Architecture Trend, Curated by Yellowtrace.

Bricks Decoded: The Return of Glass Blocks.

Go on. Admit it. The thought of glass blocks probably makes you shudder. Unless you fall into the 5%* category of new generation designers who have already embraced the potential of this highly misunderstood and marginalised building...
Layering Courtyard in Beijing by ARCHSTUDIO | Yellowtrace

Layering Courtyard in Beijing, China by ARCHSTUDIO.

Pierced with sunlight and armoured with bamboo and natural timber, Layering Courtyard by ARCHSTUDIO is the modern reinvention of a traditional industrial building and quadrangle near Beijing’s historic Qianmen gate. In the first half...
The MaoHaus in Beijing, China by AntiStatics Architecture | Yellowtrace

The MaoHaus in Beijing, China by AntiStatics Architecture.

AntiStatics Architecture seem to have made concrete billow and wave in the breeze of central Beijing. The material-defying feat is an experimental façade—one that looks a lot more like the rolling fabric of a featherweight tent than...
Bricks Decoded: Curved Brick Buildings, Curated by Yellowtrace.

Bricks Decoded: Curved Brick Buildings.

Curves. And bricks. These are two concepts we don’t usually associate with each other, at least not straight away, right? Since I personally love nothing more than challenging that which we’ve all come to expect, I thought it...
Stories On Design: Green Architecture Curated by Yellowtrace

Stories On Design // Green Architecture.

What comes to mind when you think of ‘green architecture’? The notion may conjure images of vertical gardens, vegetated roofs or trees in interiors, but the concept is much more than meets the eye. Green architecture, or green...