Return of Glass Block Architecture Trend, Curated by Yellowtrace.

Bricks Decoded: The Return of Glass Blocks.

Go on. Admit it. The thought of glass blocks probably makes you shudder. Unless you fall into the 5%* category of new generation designers who have already embraced the potential of this highly misunderstood and marginalised building...
Layering Courtyard in Beijing by ARCHSTUDIO | Yellowtrace

Layering Courtyard in Beijing, China by ARCHSTUDIO.

Pierced with sunlight and armoured with bamboo and natural timber, Layering Courtyard by ARCHSTUDIO is the modern reinvention of a traditional industrial building and quadrangle near Beijing’s historic Qianmen gate. In the first half...
The MaoHaus in Beijing, China by AntiStatics Architecture | Yellowtrace

The MaoHaus in Beijing, China by AntiStatics Architecture.

AntiStatics Architecture seem to have made concrete billow and wave in the breeze of central Beijing. The material-defying feat is an experimental façade—one that looks a lot more like the rolling fabric of a featherweight tent than...
Bricks Decoded: Curved Brick Buildings, Curated by Yellowtrace.

Bricks Decoded: Curved Brick Buildings.

Curves. And bricks. These are two concepts we don’t usually associate with each other, at least not straight away, right? Since I personally love nothing more than challenging that which we’ve all come to expect, I thought it...