#StoriesOnDesignByYellowtrace: Modern Arches in Architecture, Curated by Yellowtrace

Stories On Design // Modern Arches.

Today’s Story is dedicated to one of architecture’s most fundamental elements, the one present in its very nomenclature: The Arch. Perhaps you would have noticed the resurgence of Arches in many modern projects, from architecture...
Eden Locke Edinburgh Hotel by Grzywinski+Pons | Yellowtrace

Eden Locke Edinburgh Hotel by Grzywinski+Pons.

For a country that has more than 400 words to describe snow and the nation’s favourite word is ‘driech’ (meaning dull and miserable weather), it probably comes as somewhat of a surprise that the architects Gryzwinski+Pons chose a...
Lusty Libraries Curated by Yellowtrace

Stories On Design // Lusty Libraries.

It's fairly safe to assume we can all agree that books infuse spaces with texture, colour, depth and character, adding a sense of comfort and a certain warmth. In this increasingly digital and intangible world we live in, books and...