An Urban Refuge: Garden Gallery Residence by Yatofu Creatives.Yatofu Creatives have transformed a rare garden apartment in downtown Shanghai into an urban refuge. The warm gallery-like space is filled with a bespoke collection of art pieces and furnishings, made specifically for the residence in...
Uncovering & Layering: Melbourne Warehouse Apartment Renovation by SSdH.When approached to renovate this Melbourne warehouse apartment, SSdH were faced with an interior that had completely suppressed the history of the building. The strategy became one of stripping back to discover the shell, and being...
Drab to Delightful: An Apartment in Madrid by Febrero Studio.Most days, the sun and the breeze are faithful visitors in this Madrid apartment, refreshing the farthest corners and lifting the space up to the light. For Febrero Studio, the effort it took to knock the space down and put it back...
Colourful Bohemia: A Clothing Workshop-Turned-Loft in Paris by Épicène.Despite the initial spatial shortcomings, the quirky geometry and play of cubes are this Parisian loft’s shining stars. Isabelle Heilmann of Épicène was convinced that with a little polishing up and shuffling around, the spaces would...
Mayfair Residence by Child Studio.Child Studio was commissioned to create a residence for a London-based hotelier and restaurateur, with particular attention paid to the spaces to dine, host parties and entertain. Tucked away in a historic mews courtyard in the heart of...
A Blank Slate: Casa Rio in Madrid by HANGHAR.Located in the rapidly gentrifying neighbourhood of Carabanchel, Casa Rio is Hanghar's olive branch towards Madrid’s affordable housing crisis. With the average costs of homes now exceeding the reach of many citizens, the project...
An Oasis of Modernity: Mozart Apartment in Paris by Uchronia.Uchronia are back to shake up the Parisian design landscape, as per usual, with another unconventional offering. The interior architecture and design studio founded by Julien Sebban presented their latest design, a Haussmannian apartment...
A Movie-inspired Apartment in Paris by After Bach.For Francesco Balzano and Jessica Berguig, the project is special in more ways than one. Not only is it their first residential collaboration, but it’s also their first project as their official studio After Bach. With its movie-like...
A Century-Old Seville Building Transformed into Four Apartments by Febrero Studio.This century-old townhouse in Seville was converted into four charming short-stay apartments by Febrero Studio. The final establishment is almost like a time capsule. Step into the old wing to go back in time. Step out of it to return to...