Studio Palinpera Tesseract Office Interior Photo Vanessa Forsten Yellowtrace 01


Studio Palinpera Tesseract Office Interior Photo Vanessa Forsten Yellowtrace 05


Ilkka Palinperä of interior architecture studio Studio Palinperä has devised a fresh and multidimensional space for Tesseract, a crypto and finance technology company in Helsinki. The studio layered a mix of new and recycled materials throughout the space, fostering a relationship between old and new and alluding to an overarching theme of eternity.

The centre of the interior opens into a lounge area with sculptural furniture and a coffee table made out of red Rosso Levanto marble. “The motif of the space is multifunctionality—the customer wanted to combine the feeling of office, home and club with razzle-dazzle,” Palinperä explains. In the other, club-like lounge, you can find a sofa upholstered in blue velvet. The clean lines of the sofa join together with a bench made out of natural slate. In the main meeting room, a table with an electric blue surface is complemented with blue curtains, a hint to the ocean and natural phenomena.

Palinperä utilised a rusty metal panel, giving the material new life in the form of a coffee table in the lounge. Recycling was an important aspect of the design, offering a unique contrast to the sleek interior as a whole.



Art was another pivotal part of the design process. “Where space and art collide, something new and surprising can be born. Unique art, sculptural furniture and bold materials create a one-of-a-kind work environment that sticks in your mind at first glance,” Palinperä explains.

The studio collaborated with Italian artist Carla Monni in a series of crypto-inspired art pieces from oil paintings, LED’s and digital works printed on Silisec. When lights are turned off in the meeting rooms, they are lit by a gloomy and mysterious red light that originates from the neon pieces of art on the wall. “Dark and strong colours create a dynamic and to some extent mystical atmosphere. It’s important for me that you can find new dimensions of the space each time you visit,” Palinperä concludes.


Studio Palinpera Tesseract Office Interior Photo Vanessa Forsten Yellowtrace 08

Studio Palinpera Tesseract Office Interior Photo Vanessa Forsten Yellowtrace 06


[Images courtesy of Studio Palinperä. Photography by Vanessa Forstén.]


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