Studio Nucleo, It's All About Colour Solo Exhibition at Nilufar Gallery | Yellowtrace


Studio Nucleo, a Turin-based collective of designers and artists led by Piergiorgio Robino, presents IT’S ALL ABOUT COLOUR, an exhibition dedicated to the studio’s collections and new productions, celebrating their tenth year of collaboration with the Nilufar Gallery in Milan.

Starting from colour correlations, Nucleo exhibits six projects selected by Nina Yashar.
The exhibition will be an “IN FIERI” (Latin expression for in progress) – the pieces will arrive monthly scheduled from July to November 2020.

The first project is Primitive enriched with a new chromatic range. Primitive, initially presented at the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation, Nilufar’s first project for the Salone del Mobile in 2010, would open the sequence again.



Exhibited in many museums and galleries around the world, Primitive became the cornerstone of Nucleo’s design collections. Realized for ten years in the signature shade of white, it appears this year for the first time in a full-colour edition, enriched with a new chromatic range.


It’s All About Colour by Studio Nucleo runs from July 1st to November 30th, 2020 at Nilufar Gallery, via Della Spiga 32, Milan.



[Images courtesy of Studio Nucleo. Photography by PEPE Fotografia.]


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