Maher Design Light Years Skin Studio Brisbane Photo Andy Macpherson Yellowtrace 03


Maher Design Light Years Skin Studio Brisbane Photo Andy Macpherson Yellowtrace 05


Maher Design Light Years Skin Studio Brisbane Photo Andy Macpherson Yellowtrace 10


Maher Design has imagined a skin studio in Brisbane for Light Years, the second fit-out by the practice. Maher followed the signature architectural elements of the brand and built on it with a fresh palette and details to deliver a unified yet unique identity between the two stores.

A minimal shop front display invites clients and passers-by to see directly into the space, welcomed in through large double doors. The planning creates a feeling of generosity in a compact space—bespoke elements and a rigorous approach to layout ensure comfortable circulation while reinforcing Light Years’ ethos of openness and approachability.

A continuous wall of cork, cobalt blue timber, mirror and corian runs the full length of the interior, playfully accommodating the various functions. Retail display, concierge, waiting, cleansing stations and treatment room joinery are all sculpturally integrated. The various functions are distinct, but the sense of space remains cohesive, fresh and calm.



Opposite the wall, three individual treatment pods are enveloped in curtains and lit with elegant timber pendant lights. The pods provide privacy and a serene micro-retreat from the everyday, and for the therapists, adaptability.

The material selection is both distinct and welcoming, with Maher considering everyone of any age and gender. Shapes are strong yet soft, with unique colours that create a bright and serene environment. The space embodies playful sophistication and freshness, feeling hygienic and efficient without being cold and clinical.


Maher Design Light Years Skin Studio Brisbane Photo Andy Macpherson Yellowtrace 07

Maher Design Light Years Skin Studio Brisbane Photo Andy Macpherson Yellowtrace 12


[Images courtesy of Maher Design. Photography by Andy Macpherson.]


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