Harm Less by Sonia Rentsch | yellowtrace.com.au

Harm Less by Sonia Rentsch | yellowtrace.com.au

Harm Less by Sonia Rentsch | yellowtrace.com.au

Harm Less by Sonia Rentsch | yellowtrace.com.au


Sonia Rentsch is a Melbourne-based still life artist who is an expert in translating highly conceptual ideas into deceptively effortless scenes. This is her Harm Less project created for January Biannual 03 which depicts a series of weapons made from leaves, twigs, bark, bamboo and flowers. Incredibly clever, no? As you know, I am a total sucker for visual wit and irony in images, so this is right up my alley.

Following her graduation from Industrial Design at RMIT University in 2002, Sonia built up a diverse folio under the creative house of Moth Design, the production designer Sarah Horton and still life superstar Sarah Illenberger. Since branching out alone, Rentsch has produced work for clients such as The Washington PostQantasInside OutDesktop and the award winning publication Rare Medium. Accoding to Sonia, her “weltanschauung” (“philosophy of life” – thank you Google Translate!) is to find the beauty in everything.


Harm Less by Sonia Rentsch | yellowtrace.com.au

Harm Less by Sonia Rentsch | yellowtrace.com.au

[Images courtesy of Sonia Rentsch. Art Direction by Olivia Nichols. Photography by Albert Comper.]


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