Animated Fly-By of the Completion of Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia.Using animated computer renderings, this fly-by video shows how the construction of the Basilica Sagrada Familia will progress through to completion in...
Video // Projection Mapping on Moving Surfaces by Bot & Dolly.A short film titled "Box" by Bot & Dolly, combining projection mapping of 3D computer graphics, robotics and an actor into a synchronised...
Video // Andy Gilmore’s Kaleidoscopic Digital Art.A master of color and geometric composition, Andy Gilmore's work is often characterized as kaleidoscopic and...
Video // Luigi Rosselli Sketching on Yellowtrace.A visual documentary on the creative process of Australian architect, Luigi Rosselli, and his approach to drawing as a primary medium for...
Caja Oscura House in Paraguay by Javier Corvalán.Caja Oscura house in Paraguay by Javier Corvalán has a box-like structure that tilts to open the entire house up to the surrounding...
Video // 08 Years of Herman Miller in 108 Seconds.This fantastic animated video shows 108 Years of Herman Miller in 108 Seconds, by Amsterdam-based studio Part of a Bigger...
Video // 5 Revolutionary Principles of Modern Architecture by Le Corbusier.This must-see animated video demonstrates Le Corbusier's 5 revolutionary principles of modern architecture, in an easy to follow 2min...
Video // 29 Ways to Stay Creative.A short animated video that shares simple tips on 29 ways to stay creative. A fantastic reminder for us...
Video // Piero Lissoni’s Summer House in Tuscany.Celebrated Italian architect Piero Lissoni relaxes in his Tuscan summer house and talks about his design approach and his commitment to...