yellowtrace is going to Milan!

It's official - yellowtrace will be in Milan (April 13-17) during Salone Internazionale del Mobile, followed by a five day stint in London. If you know of anything design related that you think I should see, please leave a comment below or...

Maison Moschino Design Hotel in Milan.

The fashion house Moschino has always embraced humour. Some of their previous collections have included T-shirts sporting TVs with the words “Channel No 5” and cashmere jackets embroidered with “Rich Bitch”. So it comes as no...

La Maison Pujol.

La Maison Pujol in the south of France is a boutique hotel with only 5 guest rooms. Isn't it just so painfully beautiful? Someone {and I wish I knew who!} has managed to blend vintage with new, crisp with rustic, classics with junk, white...

Story Hotel, Stockholm.

I have a confession to make. I love hotels. What – you love them too? And I thought I was the only one. Geez. But seriously, how good does it feel to stay in a great hotel? And by great I don’t mean “expensive”,...