Set Design, Art Direction & Styling Archive 2016 | Yellowtrace

Set Design, Art Direction & Styling | 2016 Archive.

In the recent years, Set Design, Art Direction and Styling has been elevated to an art form. A well orchestrated temporary event can send the world of (social) media on fire, and ought to be approached as an opportunity for a strategic...
#StoriesOnDesignByYellowtrace: The Art of Retail Pop-Ups.

Stories On Design // The Art of Retail Pop-Ups.

The retail scene has changed dramatically in the last few years. The GFC, internet shopping and sky rocketing rents have left a permanent mark on retailers around the world. With the rise of small business and a proliferation of emerging...
Textile Covered People by Guda Koster | Yellowtrace

Textile Covered People by Guda Koster.

Guda Koster is a Dutch artist who creates living sculptures, installations and performances, which she then photographs. Kosterā€™s images are created in parallels of time, space and textile. The artist uses fabrics, colours and...