European Volcation Ashventure | Milan 2010.

Hello pumpkins. I'm back! Seriously, for a couple of days there I thought I was going to be stuck in Europe forever! Those damn volcanos. If you've been following my tweets, you probably already know that my volcation included a "slight...

Woolen Birds by Lauren Alane.

Ok, we all know that yellowtrace is not a craft blog, but I couldn't resist posting about these MEGA adorable little birdies. How awesome are they? Made by Florida based artist, Lauren Alane, these little fellas can take almost an entire...

Pantone Wall Paint by Samy Halim.

Check out this mega cool concept for Pantone wall paint packaging by the French designer Samy Halim. This is what dreams are made of for any design nerd, right?! Pity it's just a concept though. Stilll... errr... nice...

Handmade Porcelain by Samantha Robinson.

Ah... How incredibly beautiful is Samantha Robinson's work!? I wish I owned every single piece from her handmade porcelain collection. Pure and simple love. These images were taken during my whirlwind visit of Life Instyle trade show...

BOLON 2010 Botanic Collection.

Yesterday I received an update from BOLON about their new product for 2010 - Botanic Collection. I always really like their campaigns, so I decided to share the latest one with you here. BOLON is a woven vinyl flooring product which has...

A Little Trip to HUB Furniture Showroom in Sydney.

I've been working on this seriously large project since the beginning of 2009. It is by far the biggest, the most complex and the most prestigious interior I've ever been involved in, not to mention that I've had the privilege of being a...

Interior Landscaping.

What is interior landscaping? I have no idea. Is that even a real term? Well, apparently it is because I just googled it and it came up with a few links. Strange... And I thought I just coined a new phrase. Anyway, I was recently...

Lamp Love by Klára Šumová.

It is quite rare for me to see a product these days that stops me in my tracks, makes me look at things a bit differently and engages me completely. When I saw this beautiful lamp, I had that exact reaction. Designed by a young Czech...