Gettin’ Jiggy With Porcelain.

By now, you should be quite aware that I'm completely turned on by traditional materials and objects used in non-traditional ways. Here's a little tribute to the art of porcelain which has come a long way since the days of traditional...

Moroso | New & Refreshed Pieces for 2010.

So. I've been meaning to do this post for over three months now. True story. What the hell happened? I have no idea. Bugger. Anyway, I got my hands on Moroso's press kit in Milan earlier this year because I wanted to show you all the...

Explore The Kerb.

Top of the morning to you all! I hope everyone had an ace weekend. I have to say that I am pretty sad that the World Cup is over for another four years. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself without the 4am wake up calls to watch...

Elisa Strozyk.

Woooweee! More incredible talent to share. This time I bring you the work of incredible German designer Elisa Strozyk. Seriously, this chick is mega hot. I bookmarked her site a few months ago, but then it got buried in my enormous "to be...

Peter & Sally Nencini.

I'm in love. These chairs, that embroidery. What's not to love. These pieces are a result of a collaboration between Peter Nencini and Sally Nencini. Peter describes himself as a "making-looking-thinking of an...

Guest Post on sfgirlbybay.

Hello and happy Friday to you all. Hooray! Today is the day I take you on a little trip to San Francisco. Well kind of. I did a guest post on the fantastic and ever popular sfgirlbybay blog on Wednesday, while Victoria is taking a...

Koskela Launches New “Studio” Series.

The clever and creative folks at Koskela have created a new range of accessible furniture options with the launch of Koskela Studio. This range is designed to be more relaxed and less "corporate" than their main range, with many of the...

Pica Pica | Watch Cabinet by Hendzel+Hunt.

Pica pica was one of my favourite pieces of fine furniture I saw in Milan this year. It is a quirky little watch cabinet, made beautifully by Jan Hendzel of Hendzel+Hunt. Jan is a passionate young fella who loves chatting about his work,...