Couture Embroidered Wallpaper by Claire Coles.

My love for embroidery is nothing new, but Claire Coles' extraordinary hand embroidered wallpapers are certainly new to me. Claire graduated from Middlesex University in 2003 with first class honors in Applied Arts. Amongst her first...

Interview | Page Thirty Three.

Ryan Hanrahan and Bianca Riggio from Page Thirty Three are 'that' couple. You know the kind - young, talented, interesting, stylish, clever, spirited, driven... did I mention madly in love and amazing looking? Yes, well - that sort of...

Koskela Pop Up Sydney Showroom.

Hello everyone! How was your weekend? Mine was excellent - thanks for asking! In fact, yesterday I visited one of the most beautiful and "permanent looking" pop-up retail space I've ever seen. I'm taking about Koskela's new pop-up showroom...

London Design Festival 2011 | Part 02.

Mark Leib is back with his Part 02 roundup of the recent London Design Festival. Today he tells us about The Shoreditch Design Triangle, De La Espada at Tramshed, Ridley's pop-up restaurant by The Decorators and Atelier ChanChan and Jean...

London Design Festival 2011 | Part 01.

Hello y'all! We are super duper lucky to have a review of the recent London Design Festival by a dude who is now becoming our official first ever international correspondent - give it up for Mister... Maaaaaark Leeeeeeib!! Some of you...

Plantable | JAILmake Studio.

Plantable is a handmade table by London-based JAILmake Studio (Liam Healy and Jamie Elliott) which will be on show at Designersblock during the upcoming London Design Week. Designed to interact with nature, this table offers a place to...

Product Love | Available in Australia.

One of the most annoying aspects of blogging are all the press releases I receive daily. Most of them shit me to tears as they are: a) completely irrelevant to yellowtrace content and a huge waste of my time b) written really...


I recently came across Pastoe while researching for a little house project I am working on (with the loveliest clients ever - yes you are M & M. Claim it. Own it!) Unfortunately this Dutch brand is currently not available in Australia...

Stand Under a Light!

Yo, yo, yo! How was your weekend? What did you do? Did you stand under a lamp or a pendant light? No? Really? Why not? Seriously - guys - you need to get with the program. All the cool kids are doing it these days. Now go find a light to...