Boffi Kitchenology 2015 Campaign | Yellowtrace

Boffi Kitchenology 2015 Campaign.

We don't often talk about catalogues and advertising campaigns around here, unless they make my face collapse in utter shock due to too much awesome. Enter Boffi's 'Kitchenology' 2015 campaign. I've always thought of Boffi kitchens as...
Labyrinth Table by Benjamin Nordsmark | Yellowtrace

Labyrinth Table by Benjamin Nordsmark.

Artist, furniture designer and cabinetmaker, Benjamin Nordsmark, has created the Labyrinth Table proving once again that even the most mundane and utilitarian objects can come alive and be the...
In Praise Of Chairs | Yellowtrace

Video // In Praise Of Chairs by Tony Zhou.

We all know that production design can make or break a film. In this video, film essayist Tony Zhou zeroes in on the importance of one particular set piece - the chair. He shows us how a single seat can set a scene, embody a character's...
Interview // Jonathan Zawada | Yellowtrace

Interview // LA-Based Australian Artist Jonathan Zawada.

Australian-born LA-based artist Jonathan Zawada is a talented graphic designer and creative director who works across the music, publishing, fashion and corporate industries. Jonathan is best known for his varied approach to the discipline...
Playtype Concept Store Copenhagen | Yellowtrace

Playtype Typography House & Concept Store in Copenhagen.

So, day after day I will ride my bike between Nørrebro and Vesterbro, and nearly every time I will ride straight past the front door of Copenhagen typography house Playtype. Not from a lack of intrigue, more a lack of time, it took me a...