Design Free Thursday | I am more than my face.I don’t know about you, but I find this series of photographs absolutely hilarious. And really clever and sweet at the same time. Japanese photographer MitsukoNagone uses herself as the subject in her series ‘I am more than my...
Pia Ulin | Photography.Effortlessly beautiful images captured by Swedish photographer Pia Ulin have graced the pages of countless magazines and blogs over the last few years. So I though I'd also jump on the cheerleading bandwagon to say how much I adore Pia's...
Scenes From My Weekend(s).Hello muffins! How was your weekend? Totally awesome I hope! It's been a while since I've shared my iPhone photos here on the blog. In fact, I thought I'd never do it again for some reason. But I've taken some lovely shots over the last...
‘Dream Sequence’ by Madame Peripetie.The fine people who follow yellowtrace on Facebook (those that aren't - seriously, what the *@$# !!) will notice that my current avatar is hiding amongst today's beautiful images. They are a part of a stunning and surreal fashion editorial...
Nicolas Mathéus | Interior Photography.No words. No need really. Just a whole lotta interiors porn by Paris based photographer Nicolas Mathéus. Did you like the way I graduated these images by their intensity - starting with whites and neutrals, moving through to colour...
Myoung Ho Lee | Tree Series.There is so much to love about the work of Myoung Ho Lee, a young artist from South Korea. " Simple in concept, complex in execution", he creates extraordinary photographic installations where he makes us look at trees in their natural...
New Italian Artists.Ciao Bellas! This is Danielle from The Jealous Curator, popping in as a guest on yellowtrace today. I could not be more thrilled to be here... mind you, I'm pretty jealous of the reason why! Europe for four weeks? Attending the Milan...
Design Free Thursday | Holi Festival of Colours.Holy WOW! These images literally took my breath away. They document an annual celebration known as the Holi festival, which is observed by Hindus across India and throughout the world. What an incredibly beautiful way to greet the turn of...
Inside a Dark Chamber | Camera Obscura.Hope you guys are in the mood for some mind-bending images? What's new, I hear you say. Well, I guess you have a point - you're on yellowtrace after all. Hooray! I've been meaning to post about camera obscura technique for ages now....