Private Moon | Leonid Tishkov & Boris Bendikov.Oh my… This… Is… Something else. You see, I often feel like I am becoming jaded in my daily research for this blog, due to constant overexposure to pure awesomeness, but every once in a while something very special...
Infra by Richard Mosse.Over the years, Irish photographer Richard Mosse has captured everything from postwar ruins in former Yugoslavia, devastation of earthquakes in Iran, Pakistan, and Haiti, occupied palaces of Saddam Hussein, nomadic rebels in the Congolese...
Design Free Thursday | Tunnel Of Love.What? Did you think this post was going to be slightly dodgy with some kind of adult content because of the title? Tsk, tsk, tsk – you guys need to get your mind out of the gutter! Actually, must admit I thought the same thing when I...
Hipster Family Photos by Studio Amber.This is SUCH a clever concept - Netherlands’ based Studio Amber are a fun and fabulous answer to those daggy family portraits & glamour shoots with vaseline lens look and bad 90s styling. You rock up, chose your quirky designer...
11.11.11 | In Your Face!I know what you are all thinking - yep, she's lost the plot. What's with the weird collection of images? Well, the thing is - I don't really know. What I do know is that I really, really love them all - they make me smile and that's...
Design Free Thursday | Peter Lippmann for Christian Louboutin.This has to be one of the most unique and compelling fashion ad campaigns I’ve seen all year, and even though it's not super new, it definitely deserves it's 5 minutes in the "yellowtrace spotlight". Christian Louboutin collaborated with...
Interview | Katherine Lu.I received a little e-mail from Katherine Lu the other day telling me how much she enjoyed the blog (thank you KL) and also kindly correcting my crediting error in my recent post on Skylight House. I went on to fix this oversight...
Still Life Photography by Christoph Sagel.There is something captivating about the work of Christoph Sagel. This Berlin based photographer specialises in still life photography with a twist. Mr Sagel has a real ability to transform the ordinary, everyday objects into...
Design Free Thursday | Alex Kisilevich.I love this cooky and clever photography by Toronto based Alex Kisilevich. The 'hair' in the top image reminds of my current haircut. Really must do something about that...