Swedish Elle Interiör.Hello my name is Dana, and I'm an addict. I am addicted to Elle Interiör. How could I not be - it is a winning combination of delicious images, brilliant styling and amazing photography. That's a "trifecta"...
McNally Jackson Books.Check out McNally Jackson's bookshop cafe in New York by Front Studio. The interior was designed around a book as an central object - so simple and clever. I love the wallpaper made out of book pages and the small folding timber tables,...
Interview | Imperial Nesting.I remember flipping the pages of the Artichoke Magazine some time last year, when I spotted the interiors for Three Drunk Monkeys designed by Imperial Nesting, an "emerging interior design practice". I instantly looked up their website...
Lázaro Rosa Violán Studio | Barcelona, Spain.Are you kidding me?! This is a studio {oh yes, this is a workplace people!} of Lázaro Rosa-Violán in Barcelona. His company Contemporain Studio employs a team of eight industrial, interior, and graphic designers. It seems like every...
Interview with Ryan Russell.Oh. My. Goodness! I can barely contain my excitement people! Ryan Rusell is in the house!!! Ryan first came onto my radar back in 2007 when his first solo project, Left, was nominated for an Interior Design Award in the Retail Category,...
La Maison Pujol.La Maison Pujol in the south of France is a boutique hotel with only 5 guest rooms. Isn't it just so painfully beautiful? Someone {and I wish I knew who!} has managed to blend vintage with new, crisp with rustic, classics with junk, white...
Parliament, Portland.Why yes, I believe that this is one of the most inspiring little offices I have seen in a while - jam packed full of awesomeness {and attractiveness}! I spotted it as I was browsing through the fabulous design*sponge and I was instantly...
Delfin-Postigo House in Madrid.Oh my, I think I'm in love! Would you please just have a look at this house in Madrid? It belongs to David Delfin (fashion designer) and Gorka Posigo (architect turned photographer - check out his website AKAestudio). It is so...
Library Love.I would really, really, really, ridiculously LOVE a big Library.... oh yes I would. Just like one of these places above and...