Yellowtrace Spotlight: Global Design News April 2017.

Yellowtrace Spotlight // April 2017.

Welcome to the April edition of Yellowtrace Spotlight! This month we are sharing a whole bunch of design news including a few super amazing residential projects (like – duh!), beautiful new products, another amazing Book Giveaway, a...
Co-Working Office in Barcelona, Spain by APPAREIL | Yellowtrace

Co-Working Office in Barcelona, Spain by APPAREIL.

Unlike some of the more hipster versions of co-working spaces you’re likely to encounter, this one comes without the fake grass and overstuffed beanbags. Designed by the architects APPAREIL, this Barcelona based co-working office is...
Studio Space in Blue by Antonio Salinas | Yellowtrace

Studio Space in Blue by Antonio Salinas.

There are some spaces that just hit you right at the bottom of your ribcage. It’s that punch you feel as you suck in air. This space does that. Leaves you sucker punched. And for an entirely empty apartment, that’s some feat....