The Visit by Studiopepe inside Brera Design Apartment in Milan.I'm sure you are all well aware of my undying love and profound admiration for Arianna Lelli Mami and Chiara Di Pinto of Studiopepe. Not only are they the loveliest chicks you could ever hope to meet, the legit hard-working duo has carved...
Yellowtrace Spotlight // April 2017.Welcome to the April edition of Yellowtrace Spotlight! This month we are sharing a whole bunch of design news including a few super amazing residential projects (like – duh!), beautiful new products, another amazing Book Giveaway, a...
Co-Working Office in Barcelona, Spain by APPAREIL.Unlike some of the more hipster versions of co-working spaces you’re likely to encounter, this one comes without the fake grass and overstuffed beanbags. Designed by the architects APPAREIL, this Barcelona based co-working office is...
Treves & Hyde Restaurant & Bar in East London by Grzywinski+Pons.Intended to accommodate both formal & casual encounters, Treves & Hyde is a new restaurant and bar in East London designed by...
Studio Space in Blue by Antonio Salinas.There are some spaces that just hit you right at the bottom of your ribcage. It’s that punch you feel as you suck in air. This space does that. Leaves you sucker punched. And for an entirely empty apartment, that’s some feat....
Epic Residential Projects by Barcelona Studio Arquitectura-G.With their trademark timber battened skylight ceilings and use of platforms to differentiate spaces, Arquitectura-G are one Spain’s hottest young architectural practices. It doesn’t take much to pick Arquitectura-G's characteristic...
Casa Flora Design Apartment in Venice Challenges Traditional Hospitality Models.A newly opened accommodation concept that welcomes travellers with comfort and convenience of a boutique hotel, but with an added freedom of a private...
1940s Retro Apartment Renovations in Porto by Atelier In Vitro.This nostalgic renovation of three flats in an 1940’s building in Porto has been designed by architecture studio Atelier In Vitro, located inside Porto's Palácio do Comércio, one of the city’s most charismatic buildings. "The...
Studio Giancarlo Valle Designs Linda Farrow’s First US Store in SoHo, New York City.For Linda Farrow’s first New York City store in SoHo, Studio Giancarlo Valle set out to create an atmosphere of earthy luxury within a compact...