Carl Trenfield Architects, Room, Rural Kent, Kitchen Design, Photo Daniel Hewitt | Yellowtrace

Room, Rural Kent by Carl Trenfield Architects.

Carl Trenfield Architects have employed a self-described, “close, intense and engaged way of making architecture” in their residential project dubbed Room in rural Kent. The architects focused on the micro-scale, perfecting details to...
David Adjaye, Lost House, Kings Cross, London, UK Architecture, Photo Taran Wilkhu | Yellowtrace

David Adjaye’s Lost House in King’s Cross, London.

You may be accustomed to seeing the latest and most current design inspiration from us – today we have an oldie but a massive goodie. Enter ‘Lost House’ in London‘s Kings Cross by the one and only David Adjaye. This dark, sleek and...
Tommaso Spinzi's Epic Loft Apartment in Milan, Interior Design, Photo Lorenzo Pennati | Yellowtrace

Tommaso Spinzi’s Epic Loft Apartment in Milan.

Part design gallery part loft apartment in Milan, this epic home is interior and furniture designer Tommaso Spinzi's playground for creative experimentation. “I am inspired by beauty, you can find that in everything,” explains...
Apartment A in Antwerp by Atelier Dialect, Photo Piet-Albert Goethals | Yellowtrace

Apartment A in Antwerp by Atelier Dialect.

Atelier Dialect has layered unexpected materials, textures and colours in the extensive renovation of Apartment A in Antwerp, Belgium. The result is a series of refined and, at times, unexpected spaces, that are, despite their seeming...
Air Architects, Random Art Space, Hangzhou, Photo Chen Hao | Yellowtrace

Random Art Space in Hangzhou, China by Air Architects.

Miami based AIR Architects’ Random Art Space masterfully fuses a contemporary language with the traditional architectural style of Dajing Lane in Hangzhou, China. The project becomes defined by the juxtaposition of these two languages, a...