Prior Thornbury by Ritz & Ghougassian.Ritz & Ghougassian’s Prior Thornbury offers a calming lo-fi vibe. A former print house heavy in art deco accents was stripped back into a clean interior of exposed ceiling and earthy materials. The café is set to make every brunch photo...
Providencia House in Barcelona by AMOO | Aureli Mora + Omar Ornaque.AMOO's Providencia House in Barcelona features a labyrinth of custom-made furniture, allowing the interior to unfold in an ambivalent and ambiguous way. “Sofas that are beds turn into desks; beds that are wardrobes turn into bathtubs,”...
Lika Lab Boutique in Hangzhou by Say Architects.Say Architects’ Lika Lab boutique manipulates time and space, transporting visitors into a softly coloured universe. Frosted resin and mirrored stainless steel create a translucent outer skin that blurs bright colours, creating an...
Surreal Classicism: Maó Space by One Fine Day Studio & Partners.Projects that strike me the most are the ones that manage to masterfully shift our perception of time. Spaces that feel unique because they look like they don’t belong in the present, nor the past. They feel fresh and familiar at the...
El Guateque Barcelona by AdriĂ Escolano & David Steegmann.AdriĂ Escolano and David Steegmann have reinvigorated the shell of a Barcelona home in a state of near-ruin. The pair divided the existing single-family house into two independent units, dubbed El Guateque. In the process, they stitched...
Atomic Beer Project in Redfern by YSG Studio.YSG Studio has transformed an abandoned brick warehouse in Redfern into Gage Roads’ microbrewery and restaurant, dubbed Atomic Beer Project. The studio explains that existing grunge elements have been retained and “spliced with acidic...
Hesselbrand Reimagine a Traditional Terrace House in London’s Forest Glade.Through clever planning, Hesselbrand’s extension and upgrade of the traditional terraced house in London allows existing rooms to connect directly instead of via a corridor, allowing for unlimited ways to move around what feels like a...
ATLATL Coffee & Food Venue in Shanghai by Various Associates.The design of ATLATL drew inspiration from the activities that take place in this high-tech park in Shanghai, resulting in a futuristic atmosphere. Various Associates used circles, curves and domed ceiling to echo the orbits of the...
Felix Meritis Building Interior Renovation in Amsterdam by i29.The Felix Meritis building in Amsterdam, built-in 1788, was the home of science, art, entrepreneurship, and critical thinking during The Enlightenment period. The immense amount of history embedded within its walls has been sensitively...