Bricks Decoded: Miniature City Created From Bricks by Matteo Mezzadri.I am super excited to announce our content partnership with Brickworks Building Products – an Australian company that designs, develops, manufactures and sells various building materials – which will see us explore the versatility,...
Hypnotic Kinetic Light Installation for “Weaving Machine” Dance Performance in Beijing, China.What do you get when you combine ballet dancers, kinetic light, exquisite music and Chinese folk art? Something pretty extraordinary. 2047 Apologue is the synthesis of visual poetry created by the Chinese director and visionary, Zhang...
Highlights From London Design Festival 2017.Welcome to our coverage of London Design Festival 2017 highlights, in which we bring you our round-up of the finest events and products #LDF17 had to offer, leaving no stone unturned, no press release unread, and no link unclicked. It will...
Building with Sun, Water and Air: Hiroshi Sambuichi’s Subterranean Installation at The Cisterns in Frederiksberg.Located under Frederiksberg Hill, in the heart of Søndermarken Park, are The Cisterns, a subterranean reservoir that once supplied drinking water for all of Copenhagen. The murky and eerily still space is currently the backdrop of Hiroshi...
Stories On Design // Hospitality & Event Pop-Ups.Gone are the days when Event Pop-Ups were simply clever PR stunts or an excuse for mediocre premises that have been knocked up by someone’s handy uncle who can cunningly transform Bunning’s chipboard into bench seats. Add a coupla...
Design Food: Culinary Architecture.Food is a real catalyst for imagination and creativity. As such, it has always had a fundamental relationship with design and the arts. It’s something I’ve personally drawn inspiration from for various reasons. Along with design, food...
Oasis No. 8: Waste Heat Installation in Graz, Austria by Markus Jeschaunig.Bananas. Seems Europe is nuts for them. Statistically it’s the most popular tropical fruit in Europe and it’s available all year round in most supermarkets. But that comes at a cost - the environmental kind. It’s a cost that Markus...
‘Immersion’ Exhibition in Montpellier, France by LucĂa MartĂnez Pluchino + Raquel Durán Puente.LucĂa MartĂnez & Raquel Durán’s project “Immersion” has won the public vote at the 2017 edition of the Festival des Architectures Vives of...
‘Slow Graffiti’ Installation by Alex Da Corte at Vienna Secession.American artist Alex Da Corte creates videos, sculptures, paintings, and immersive installations with a striking cinematic quality. Exploring the formal potential of artefacts of consumer culture, Da Corte twists their immediate...