Collingwood Warehouse Apartment Refurbishment by Rob Kennon Architects.Gone are the remnants of the former Foy & Gibson Department store in Collingwood. Instead, Rob Kennon Architects have created a sophisticated apartment in its place, breathing new life into the former warehouse shell. The apartment unfolds...
Kovalska Office in Kyiv, Ukraine by Artem Trigubchak and Lera Brumina.Set inside the Soviet-era building that also houses a functioning factory for the company, this uber-cool office was inspired by a monumental mosaic panel on the building façade and brutal proportions of the original space, used by Artem...
Rue des Réservoirs Paris Apartment Renovation by RMGB.RMGB weaves contemporary and classic design within this elegant renovation of a 19th-century Parisian apartment, Rue des Réservoirs. The studio founders, Guillaume Gibert and Baptiste Rischmann, have re-enchanted the space by injecting...