Re Ply Social Venture Covid 19 Lockdown Design Initiative Bvn New York Yellowtrace

Re-Ply Social Venture by BVN New York.

Re-ply, a social venture initiative of the New York office of Architecture and Design practice BVN, transforms humble building products into social, political, and economic tools, aiming to bring unity and hope to a world experiencing dual...
Courtyard House in Glebe by Joe Agius / Cox Architecture, Alterations & Additions, Photo Robert Walsh | Yellowtrace

Courtyard House in Glebe by Joe Agius / Cox Architecture.

Joe Agius, design director at Cox Sydney, has reconfigured a terrace home in Glebe referencing Moroccan Riad principles, creating a home for his family around a central garden. All interior space begin to blur with the courtyard which...
Koto Tiny Work Space Cabin Compact Living Yellowtrace

Koto Unveils a Tiny Pre-fabricated Work Cabin.

Prefab housing designers, Koto, have created a pre-fabricated sculptural work cabin that will be envied by all those who now are working from home. “We wanted to disrupt how we see the conventional work office and have created a truly...
IH Residence in Bandung, Indonesian Architecture, Andra Matin | Yellowtrace

IH Residence in Bandung, Indonesia by Andra Matin.

Living spaces within Andra Matin’s, IH Residence in Bandung, Indonesia, are linked together by a thread of interconnected gardens. The home was not designed as a beautiful shell from which to enjoy surrounding views, but a place where...
Sanno Office in Okazaki by Studio Velocity, Japanese Architecture | Yellowtrace

Sanno Office in Okazaki by Studio Velocity.

Studio Velocity has achieved a delicate balance of gravity and tension in their design for Sannouno’s office in Okazaki city, Japan. The studio has topped the open plan, timber structure with an impossibly thin, gravity-defying...