Spazio Rossana Orlandi | Milan 2010.Man, I have to be the slowest blogger ever to report on Milan Design Week! Sorry guys - my jet-lag is a complete shocker and I'm really struggling with beating my cold. But enough with excuses. I will do my best to make your wait worth...
European Volcation Ashventure | Milan 2010.Hello pumpkins. I'm back! Seriously, for a couple of days there I thought I was going to be stuck in Europe forever! Those damn volcanos. If you've been following my tweets, you probably already know that my volcation included a "slight...
Marije Vogelzang & Proef.Marije Vogelzang is an 'eating-designer' who creates food-installations, catering, restaurant concepts and exhibitions all over the world. She is a founder of a catering business / restaurant based in Amsterdam called Proef {which in Dutch...