London Design Festival 2011 | Part 02.

Mark Leib is back with his Part 02 roundup of the recent London Design Festival. Today he tells us about The Shoreditch Design Triangle, De La Espada at Tramshed, Ridley's pop-up restaurant by The Decorators and Atelier ChanChan and Jean...

London Design Festival 2011 | Part 01.

Hello y'all! We are super duper lucky to have a review of the recent London Design Festival by a dude who is now becoming our official first ever international correspondent - give it up for Mister... Maaaaaark Leeeeeeib!! Some of you...

Saturday in Design | Sydney, 2011.

Another year and yet another Saturday in Design is behind us. This annual trade event was held in Sydney last weekend (19th & 20th August) with showrooms buzzing with design industry professionals on the hunt for the latest in local and...

Akio Hirata’s Exhibition of Hats by Nendo | Tokyo, Japan.

Ahhhh, Nendo, Nendo, Nendo... Is there ANYTHING you people cannot do? Seriously? Your talent it almost sickening. Except, I am completely in awe and too dazzled to feel sick right now. Anyway, back to the story. What you are looking at...

‘This Way’ by Design Academy Eindhoven | Milan 2011.

I believe that this could be my last Milan post for the year. Fitting, as it is the last day of the month. A bit sad really, but it is time to move on. I would like to wrap up with my visit to a little exhibition I loved very much - 'This...