Interview with Jodee Knowles.

A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to get invited to the upcoming opening night at the Friends of Leon Gallery in Sydney's Surry Hills. The opening event is for Perth based artist Jodee Knowles' first ever solo show. Being...

Meghan Paterson.

I spotted these cool little paintings on glass bottles by Meghan Paterson on Booooooom. I...

Paper Cut Project.

Paper Cut Project is run by Atlanta based Nikki Salk and Amy Flurry who create the most exquisitely crafted custom-made paper...

Tomás Saraceno.

I found this image in the current FRAMEmagazine (Jan/ Feb 2010 issue) and I had to share it with you immediately! It is so beautiful. The work is by the Argentine artist Thomás Saraceno, born in 1973 who now lives and works in Frankfurt...

Francoise Nielly.

I have just spent an entire week away in the sun with my great friends. I felt like a giant human battery that was getting re-charged for the year ahead. One thing that I love about summer (apart from the obvious) is the brilliant colours...

Unurth | Street Art Blog.

Unurth is a street art blog run by Sebastian from Los Angeles. He regularly posts images of absolutely brilliant street art from all over the world - anything from drawing, illustration, paste-up street art, collages and...