Fitzroy Loft by Architects EAT.Chances are you've already seen this project in your interweb travels, and for a good reason - it's a ripper. The loft – built inside the iconic MacRobertson chocolate factory in Melbourne's Fitzroy is a conversion of a gritty 250sqm...
Joined With Gold: Xchange Apartments in Kyoto, Japan by TANK.TANK Architects emulate the art of “Kintsugi” in this Kyoto apartment by joining floor cracks with gold coloured epoxy-resin, transforming the imperfect into a subject of...
Artist Studio in Sonoma with Luscious Indoor Garden by Mork-Ulnes Architects.For an Architect, this is definitely a contender for dream commission: Two artists desire a modern interpretation of a barn to house their studio and vast collection of curiosities within the stunning Californian wine region (or shall I...
Stories On Design // Pink Perfection.Unless you've been hiding under a rock for the past little while (pffffft - AS IF - you guys read Yellowtrace, which means you are the coolest, most switched-on homies around), I'm sure you would have noticed the omnipresence and dominance...
Yellowtrace Spotlight // August 2016.Hello friends, and welcome to the August 2016 edition of Yellowtrace Spotlight where we round up the best of the best in Australian and global design news. Be prepared to be totally wowed with a whole bunch of amazing stuff – residential...
HUB Performance & Exhibition Centre in Shanghai by Neri&Hu.Designed by Neri&Hu, HUB mixed-use development sits in the heart of Hongqiao District in Shanghai. The highlight of the complex is the Performance and Exhibition Centre, envisioned as the “hot spot” of culture and arts for the...
Seashore Chapel Set on a Chinese Beach by Vector Architects.When the tide rises, the space underneath this beachside chapel becomes submerged by the water, reminiscent of an old boat drifting on the...
Crazy Beautiful SPenthouse in São Paulo by Studio MK27.Designed by Studio MK27, the SPenthouse sits at the summit of a newly built São Paulo apartment building. The project sought to address the demands of the brief with minimal division, shaping an interior with seamless spatial...
Could Indigo Slam be Australia’s (and The World’s) Most Slamming House Ever?Most of us in the design & architecture game in Australia would have had some level awareness of this high profile home in Sydney's Chippendale, designed by the inimitable Smart Design Studio. Indigo Slam was completed earlier this...