Carrer Avinyo Barcelona Apartment by David Kohn Architects | Yellowtrace

Carrer Avinyo by David Kohn Architects // Barcelona, Spain.

Carrer Avinyó apartment is situated at a major crossroads in Barcelona. Like the Flatiron Building in New York, where Broadway meets the city's orthogonal grid, the triangular plan of the apartment's interior registers a similar moment in...
Anja Niemi, Starlets | Yellowtrace

Cinematic Self Portraits by Anja Niemi.

Norwegian photographer Anja Niemi combines self-portraits with staged narratives to create stunning cinematic result. The images feel like scenes from old movies, with talented photographer cast as all the characters. Niemi refers to...
Lord Whitney Set Design, Art Direction and Prop Making | Yellowtrace

The Joyful World of Lord Whitney.

Contrary to what the name suggests, Lord Whitney is not an upper class gentleman. It's in fact a name of the design collective formed by university friends, Amy Lord and Rebekah Whitney, although they admit to occasionally prancing around...
Elise Wehle Paper Collages | Yellowtrace.

Intricate Paper Collages by Elise Wehle.

Elise Wehle is an American artist who creates intricate collages assembled with layers of old prints and photographs. These are carefully cut, folded and woven into mesmerising works which depict expressive portraits and landscapes....
Middle Class Problem Twitter Feed | Yellowtrace.

Design Free Thursday // Middle Class Problems.

Twitter account @middleclassprob is a hilarious feed that highlights "real problems. But not real actual problems, just middle class ones." BuzzFeed recently paired some of the tweets with stock images of heartbroken people. I've been...