Elisa Strozyk.Woooweee! More incredible talent to share. This time I bring you the work of incredible German designer Elisa Strozyk. Seriously, this chick is mega hot. I bookmarked her site a few months ago, but then it got buried in my enormous "to be...
Design Free Thursday | Amusing and Inspiring Quotes.. I attended a super inspiring seminar last week by Marcus Buckingham who spoke about Finding Your Strongest Life, and what the happiest and most successful women do differently. By the way, to all men out there, the concepts Marcus...
Interview | Juliette Arent & Sarah-Jane Pyke {Arent & Pyke.}I am extremely proud and super excited to share with you an interview with two very good friends of mine - Sydney based interior designers Juliette Arent & Sarah-Jane Pyke of Arent & Pyke. Woot! And when I say good friends, I mean friggin'...
Peter & Sally Nencini.I'm in love. These chairs, that embroidery. What's not to love. These pieces are a result of a collaboration between Peter Nencini and Sally Nencini. Peter describes himself as a "making-looking-thinking of an...
Home 07 | Amsterdam Apartment by i29.Home 07 is an apartment in Amsterdam designed by Dutch interior architects i29. The residence features a series of cabinets with laser-cut holes across their surfaces, which double up as handles. Beautiful. All this place now needs is...
Guest Post on sfgirlbybay.Hello and happy Friday to you all. Hooray! Today is the day I take you on a little trip to San Francisco. Well kind of. I did a guest post on the fantastic and ever popular sfgirlbybay blog on Wednesday, while Victoria is taking a...
Design Free Thursday | Stuff No One Told Me.Stuff No On Told Me (But I Learned Anyways) is a brand new hilarious and super sweet blog by Alex Noriega, an illustrator from Barcelona "with poor spelling and grammar...
Interview | Suzie Idiens.I often get asked about the benefits of writing a design blog, and whether the rewards outweigh the effort and the time that goes into researching and producing original content on a daily basis. It's a very good question, and the one I...
Exhibition of New Work by Yuko Fujita at e.g.etal.Melbourne jeweller, Yuko Fujita, has transformed recycled objects into bold pieces of jewellery for her upcoming exhibition titled Kodama (return to me) to be held at e.g.etal, a seriously fabulous contemporary jewellery gallery and retail...