Spencer Finch.

Spencer Finch was born in New Haven, Connecticut in 1962. He lives and works in Brooklyn creating art and installations using a variety of different media. His installations record the invisible world, capture specific moments in time and...

Design Free Thursday | Kseniya Simonova’s Sand Animation.

A few month ago now, I was at a dinner party with a bunch of close friends. We had a lot of fun and, as is the case with all good dinner parties these days, we ended up watching a few YouTube videos on the laptop around the table. {Insert...

Interview | Marsha Meredith {2026}.

Marsha Meredith is a Sydney based artist who's work focusses aroung the theme of Peter Pan life in the bubble around Sydney's Bondi. I first came across Marsha when someone sent me the link to her facebook fanpage. Ever since then I'd been...

Earl’s Gourmet Grub in LA | by FreelandBuck.

Earl’s Gourmet Grub {what a name!} is an artisanal deli and gourmet market that opened in May 2010 in Los Angeles. The restaurant was designed by FreelandBuck, with contemporary technology to fit an old-world sensibility inspired by its...

Explore The Kerb.

Top of the morning to you all! I hope everyone had an ace weekend. I have to say that I am pretty sad that the World Cup is over for another four years. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself without the 4am wake up calls to watch...

Yago Hortal.

Acrylics on Canvas by Yago Hortal. Born in Barcelona in 1983, now lives and works in Berlin. His use of colour is simply delicious, it makes me want to move into one of the...

Design Free Thursday | Sandrine Estrade Boulet.

Things are never quite what they seem when it comes to Sandrine Estrade Boulet genius illustration work. I don't know about you, but finding these images made me smile and my day seemed instantly brighter. How funny is the illustration of...