Packing Tape Design Installation | Numen/For Use.

These spiderweb-like installations by Austrian-Croatian design firm Numen/For Use involved wrapping between 70-45 km of tape and 4-7 days, depending on their location. The idea for the installation originates in a set design concept for...

Schooled | Heather K. Phillips.

Schooled is a little online shop that sells super fun products by Heather K. Phillips, a graphic designer living in San Francisco. Man, if only I had those stamps of disapproval at work......

Architectural Digest Espagna | No38.

Breathless. That's what a beautiful interior makes me feel. And sometimes even speechless. I know that this is difficult to believe (the speechless part), but it's true. I came across a copy of Architectural Digest magazine (Spanish...

Lindsey Adelman | Lighting.

I was going through my many folders completely bursting with bookmarks, and I came across a link to the New York based Lindsey Adelman and her Bubble Lights. Ummm... Ah-mazing! How the hell did it take me this long to blog about this? Very...

Kirsty Mitchell | Wonderland.

I spotted this image some time ago, and I was instantly struck by it's magical beauty and the irony within it - glorious colours and fresh blooms set agains the cold of the snow. My never-ending curiosity lead me to the author of this...

Patrizia Moroso’s House by Patricia Urquiola.

Design royalty alert! This house was designed by the prolific Spanish architect, Patricia Urquiola for Patrizia Moroso, creative director of the super fab Italian furniture company Moroso. Yep, that's pretty major design royalty right...

On Inspiration and Honing Your Design Instincts.

Good morning peeps. How was everyone's weekend? Awesome...? Ah, that's great to hear! I was very lucky to watch Powderfinger's last ever gig in Sydney on Saturday night, which was part of their farewell tour - and I've got to tell you...

Nils Nova.

Cool-town art installations by Nils Nova are a marriage between art and interiors. It is in fact impossible to separate his art from the setting. I know, I know... It's ridiculously good, right? You could totally do something like this...