Some Thoughts on Christmas.

Ok, so I’ve seriously been resisting writing this post for weeks now, as I’m not so keen on generating any kind of hate mail. But this ‘thing’ is just dying to come out, and I simply have no choice but to...

Wirepop Sculptures | Colgate Searle.

Designer Colgate Searle has created these clever and adorable wire hanger sculptures. Aaaah - cuteness overload! Each piece is hand-crafted and bent into shape from a standard wire...

Interview | Facet Studio.

Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to the work of Sydney based architects Yoshi Kashiwagi and Olivia Shih of Facet Studio. Hooray! I am super excited about this interview as it is always extra special being able to talk to/...

Concrete Chesterfield Sofa.

Yes it's true. This classic three seater Chesterfield is cast in concrete. I shit you not! You can check it out for yourself right here. I don't think I've ever seen a piece of concrete look so...

Lo Bjurulf.

Lo Bjurulf is a Swedish interiors/ props stylist and set designer who rocks that signature Scandinavian look and effortless style. Her work is often featured in the glorious Elle Interiör, which I blogged about right here. She is also...

Wall & Decò Wallpaper.

Even though I'm not necessarily a huge fan of wallpaper , there is no denying that this is one of the quickest and the most cost effective ways to give any space a bold splash of personality. So, if you are going to do it - do it well I...

Papercraft Self Portrait | Eric Testroete.

What the WHAT?!?! Eric Testroete is a 3D arist from Vancouver, who made possibly the coolest Halloween costume ever - a paper-craft self portrait inspired by big-head mode seen in video games. Ok, you can't tell me that you are not...

In Between Spaces.

Every time I flick through my bulging collection of design images, I surprise myself with how many images of non-desrcript spaces I seem to collect. You know the spaces I'm talking about - not quite a corridor, nor a vestibule. Not exactly...

Ryuji Nakamura.

I am not really sure how to introduce the work of Japanese architect Ryuji Nakamura. 'Extreme love' is a bit thin. 'Genius' doesn't quite cut it. 'Mesmerising' gets us close, but doesn't really do it justice. There are very few people...