Art With a Message.

Following on from the success of the recent Art Mash-Up post, I wanted to share with you two art projects which were recently submitted to me by readers. One is from Sydney, the other all the way from the mountains of Italy. Both have...

Joseph Dirand.

Paris based arhictect Joseph Dirand is so damn cool that he doesn't even need an 'about' page. Cause if you don't know who he is, simply don't bother. Clearly. Seriously though, I have been a pretty huge fan of his work for a while now....

Illusion | Hareide Design for Northern Lighting.

I know what you're thinking - is this a lamp or is it a side table? Well it's actually both! Designed by Sweden/ Norway based studio Hareide Designin collaboration with Northern Lighting, 'Illusion' is an object which hovers above the...

Helga Steppan.

Just the the other day, I received a little correction message on yellowtrace's facebook wall to say that one of the images I had in my Visual Diary album was incorrectly labelled. What? I know - shocking! Yes, I made a mistake. I really...

Design Free Thursday | Fingerprints.

People think of all sorts of weird things, don't they? I mean, who sits there and decides that they are going to recreate giant fingerprints using food, tape, paper, string, litter etc. Seriously. I often think of super weird stuff (at the...

Paper Clothing by Violise Lunn.

Violise Lunn trained as a fashion designer at the Danish Design School, graduating in 1995. Since 1997, Violise has run her own studio in Copenhagen, specialising in couture clothing for women. She works with a number of different...

I Think I’m Turning Japanese…

So much could be said about Japanese design and their aesthetic. Japanese sense of style is much loved and copied the world over, often fused with other elements and styles. But nobody quite knows how to do Japanese design like the...

Sharing The L.O.V.E. | Art Mash-up.

Hello and welcome to another yellowtrace week. Hooray for that! Now, as you can imagine, my e-mail inbox gets quite a workout these days, with many weird and wonderful submissions from all over the place. So many clever people out there,...

Google Art Project.

No doubt that most of you would have heard about the Google Art Project by now, no? Either way, it's not like the mighty Googleneed any press from lil' ol' me but I couldn't resist - it's too exciting not to share! Released only last week,...