Pablo Valbuena | Video Projection on Architecture.

Named after the technique used in baroque era to extended architecture through trompe l’oeil and perspective constructions generated with paint or sculpture, 'Quadratura' is the creation of Madrid born and based artist Pablo...

Industrial Loft by MINIM | Barcelona.

Situated in an old printing factory in Barcelona's city centre, this apartment consists of two large volumes measuring a whopping 800sqm in total. Wow, that's a lot of space. I love that the designers, Barcelona based studio MINIM, have...

Thin Black Lines.

I don't know if I ever shared with you guys that I started teaching design this year. You know, I had a lot of spare time on my hands and I thought - what the heck, might as well. . In any case, despite the added pressure teaching has...

Design Free Thursday | World War II Bunkers.

And so the somber mood continues here on yellowtrace, even on Design Free Thursday which typically embraces the fun, the whacky and the irreverent side of life. These images caught my eye a few weeks ago, and I never realised that I would...

Out of Sorts.

This post was originally going to be about another super cool design-y thing, but it just didn't 'feel' right. So I changed it 4 or 5 times, until I realised that design just isn't all that important to me today and that my thoughts are...

Bedroom in a Box.

Interesting residential renovation in Montrouge, France by Emmanuel Combarel Dominique Marrec, where the bedroom is housed in a suspended floating cube which sits in the middle of the 50sqm apartment. The cube, the floor, the walls and the...

To My Fellow Citizens of The Planet.

Dear fellow citizens of the Planet, I couldn’t bring myself to write a ‘normal’ post today. I feel deeply concerned and affected by the number, the frequency and the severity of the natural disasters which have recently struck...

Australian Interior Design Awards | 2011 Shortlist.

Australian Interior Design Awards recognise and celebrate interior design excellence each year through their awards program, which is backed by the Design Institute of Australia (DIA), the professional body representing Australian...

Design Free Thursday | Breakfast Club.

I have extreme love for these breakfast still life photos by Museum Studio. You couldn't feel anything else but super happy if you got served a meal that looked like this first thing in the morning. It's a perfect way to start the day I...