Akio Hirata’s Exhibition of Hats by Nendo | Tokyo, Japan.Ahhhh, Nendo, Nendo, Nendo... Is there ANYTHING you people cannot do? Seriously? Your talent it almost sickening. Except, I am completely in awe and too dazzled to feel sick right now. Anyway, back to the story. What you are looking at...
Heritage Cabinet | Boca do Lobo.Top marks for those who remember me blogging about a brilliant limited edition cabinet (“Pixel”) by Portuguese company Boca do Lobo, which was one of the standout pieces for me in Milan this year (see the post in which I featured the...
Nicolas Mathéus | Interior Photography.No words. No need really. Just a whole lotta interiors porn by Paris based photographer Nicolas Mathéus. Did you like the way I graduated these images by their intensity - starting with whites and neutrals, moving through to colour...
Robert Montgomery.Robert Montgomery is an artist based in London who's work spans large typographic billboards, recycled sunlight pieces and drawings. His website says that he "works in a poetic and melancholic post-situationist tradition”. Deep, I...
Design Free Thursday | Profiles.How do you make a cheap-ass aluminium throw-away tray desirable? That's easy! Emboss amazing portraits into them, like the Israeli-based designer Idan Friedman....
No Picnic by Elding Oscarson | Sweden.Another day another drop dead gorgeous interior. This time it's a workplace, a topic very close to my heart. I am always so excited to see a well thought out and beautifully designed workplace interior that isn't screaming "look at me - I...
Inspiration Cloud.Majestic white clouds have always been a source of wonder for me. I love looking up at the sky and observing their constant shifting patterns, or seeing them from up above when flying on a plain. I even love creating my own clouds in the...
‘Soot’ Architect’s Desk | Note Design Studio + Korlina Stenfelt.How often do you hear the saying "They don't make them like they used to"? Umm... all the time. Because it is true - we live in the world of faster/ cheaper/ more!! Well, this one-off piece of furniture is here to say STICK-IT to...
Mikel Irastorza’s Apartment | San Sebastián, Spain.Hello, and welcome to the San Sebastián apartment of Spanish designer Mikel Irastorza. I know what you are thinking. Get out! My thoughts precisely. There is so much I love about this place. First of all it's fantastic 'bone structure'...