Barcelona Travel Guide | Places To See & Things To Do.

¡Hola amigos! Welcome to Travel Tuesday and to the second post in the Barcelona Travel Guide series. Today I'm going to tell you about some of the things not to be missed in the glorious Barca - from major tourist attractions to...

Koskela Pop Up Sydney Showroom.

Hello everyone! How was your weekend? Mine was excellent - thanks for asking! In fact, yesterday I visited one of the most beautiful and "permanent looking" pop-up retail space I've ever seen. I'm taking about Koskela's new pop-up showroom...

UdA | Ufficio di Architettura, Italy.

UdA | Ufficio di Architettura was founded in 1992 in Turin by Valter Camagna, Massimiliano Camoletto and Andrea Marcante. The three partners collaborate with a team of architects, designers and graphic illustrators who come from many...

Design Free Thursday | Indexed.

I've always thought that everything always look so much better/ funnier/ more logical/ interesting/ etc. when drawn as a diagram. This is Indexed is the living proof of that theory. Started in August 2006 by Jessica, as a "little project...

Interview | Katherine Lu.

I received a little e-mail from Katherine Lu the other day telling me how much she enjoyed the blog (thank you KL) and also kindly correcting my crediting error in my recent post on Skylight House. I went on to fix this oversight...

Barcelona Travel Guide | Curated By Yellowtrace.

HOLA! Ok, so this post is only about 6 months overdue, but hey – who’s keeping track of these things? I’ve been really busy, ok?! Anyway, I’m sure most of you will remember my extended holiday back in April...

Still Life Photography by Christoph Sagel.

There is something captivating about the work of Christoph Sagel. This Berlin based photographer specialises in still life photography with a twist. Mr Sagel has a real ability to transform the ordinary, everyday objects into...

Skylight House, Sydney | Chenchow Little.

I'm a bit behind the eight ball on this, nevertheless I'm sure you won't mind me posting about an exemplary piece of residential architecture even if you may have seen it countless times before. I'm talking Skylight House in Sydney...

Design Free Thursday | Alex Kisilevich.

I love this cooky and clever photography by Toronto based Alex Kisilevich. The 'hair' in the top image reminds of my current haircut. Really must do something about that...